Which fluency fast track deck should I enable?

The Langible app comes with 10 levels of the Fluency Fast Track, which is our flagship course for rapidly building vocabulary and grammar skills in your target language.

Each level of the Fluency Fast Track is designed to progressively introduce one new word per sentence, starting from the most common words in the language and gradually moving to more advanced vocabulary.

So, which level should you enable to start your language learning journey?

Finding the right level for you

It's always easiest to start with level 1, as it introduces the most common vocaulary using simple sentences with illustrations and audio.

But if you already have some experience using the language, it might be better to enable a higher level, so that the material is actually relevant to your learning goals. If the sentences you're seeing are too easy, it's time to level up!

If the sentences you're seeing are too easy, it's time to level up!

How to enable a new level

To enable a new level of the Fluency Fast Track, click on the Cards tab, and under Decks, you'll see the Fluency Fast Track levels listed from 1 to 10.

Simply click Enable on the level you want to learn so that it turns green, and make sure that the other decks that are too simple are not enabled. Then you're all set, and ready to start building your vocabulary!

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Written by Edwin - software developer, aspiring polyglot, and creator of Langible.com. Let's connect on Twitter!